5 ways to teach your kids about GIVING this holiday

by - Wednesday, December 20, 2017

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Christmas is a season of Love and Giving. It is definitely a perfect time of the year to teach our children to reflect on the blessings and think of ways to make life a little easier and better for the people around them. To express gratitude and love by giving, without the thought of getting something in return.

Here are things that our family plans to do this holiday season to teach our kids about giving:

  1. Buy gift for someone who is under privileged. We will ask our kids to think of someone in need from their school. Then we will buy gifts together and have them wrap it themselves. That way, they will feel that they are part of the process and it will make a bigger impression. It is not only about buying something for someone. It is about sending time thinking about what would make someone that is less fortunate happy.
  2. Collect goods from home for someone in need. With the huge California Thomas Fire around our area, we feel the need to look for victims who may need assistance. We will ask the help of our kids to gather goods like clothes, shoes, blankets, pillows and packed food which will be so much appreciated by the fire victims. The kids have accompanied us to the drop off locations, “stuff a bus” fundraisers and other events to help the victims
  3. Make cookies for elderly homes. Our family will be making cookies and will bring it to elderly homes. Through this we can teach our kids not only the value of giving but also the expression of love especially to the elderly. This will teach them to love and respect the elderly and make sure to remember them especially during this season.
  4. Christmas Caroling. The entire family will be joining in several Christmas Caroling concerts at local malls and community centers. We all love to sing and this will bring joy not only to the homes where we will be rendering Christmas songs but also to our own hearts.
  5. Prepare gift for each other. We will give our kids small budget each to buy their preferred gifts for their siblings. In that way, we can teach them to spend their money wisely for a gift that they think will be suitable and useful for their siblings. At the same time, the kids will learn the love for giving and not just receiving gifts unlike if mom and dad will do all the buying. 

    Especially with the current trends of entitlement and immediate gratification we feel that it is essential to bring good balance. We try to do this all year round but the Holidays are an excellent time to make an extra effort and spend time thinking about others 

    Hopefully they will remember the fun and goofy things they did as kids and carry them on in their own adult lives and in their families. They will always remember that no act of kindness, no matter how little is ever wasted and this value will be inculcated in their hearts and continue on as they grow older.

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